A variety of industries connected to agriculture make up the U.S. agriculture sector, which goes beyond traditional farming. 10.4% of American jobs were in the food, agriculture, and allied sectors, which also contributed 5.6% to the country’s GDP. On average, Americans spend 12.8 percent of their household budgets on food. Nutrition assistance is the most frequently funded program by the federal government when it comes to agriculture and food programs.
In 2023, the gross domestic product (GDP) of the United States was around $1.530 trillion, or 5.6 percent, of which came from the agriculture, food, and allied industries. About 0.7 percent of the U.S. GDP, or $203.5 billion, came from the agricultural output of the United States. Because industries connected to agriculture rely on agricultural inputs to bring value to the economy, agriculture’s overall GDP contribution is greater than 0.7 percent. Agriculture-related industries include forestry, fisheries, textiles, clothing, and leather products, food and beverage manufacturing, food and beverage retailers, food services, and eating and drinking establishments.